Almost all commands in Snap Mail have keyboard equivalents that allow you to use them without having to reach for the mouse. • Menu Equivalents: Cmd-H, -?, -/ Help: Bring up the On-line Help window. Cmd-F Find: Bring up the Find window to search for a mail item. Cmd-G Find Again: Search again for the last text chosen in “Find.” Cmd-S Save As: Save the selected mail items(s) to a file. Cmd-I Icons and Forms: Bring up the Icons & Forms window. Cmd-U Groups: Bring up the Groups window. Cmd-L Log: Bring up the Mail Log to see pending and sent mail. Cmd-Y Preferences: Bring up the Preferences window. Cmd-P Print: Print the selected mail item(s). Cmd-Q Quit: Close the Snap Mail desk accessory. • Button Equivalents: (Available from the Main Window only) Cmd-O Open mail: Same as clicking the “Open” or “Close” button. Cmd-R Reply: Same as clicking the “Reply” button. Cmd-E Extract: Extract enclosures from the selected mail item. Cmd-Delete Delete: Same as clicking the “Delete” button. Cmd-D Forward: Bring up the Forward window to forward mail Cmd-B Address Book: Same as choosing “Address Book” from Address pop-up. Cmd-Enter Send mail: Same as clicking the “Send” button. Cmd-Return Same as Cmd-Enter. Cmd-J Post an Alert: Same as clicking the “Alert” button. Cmd-T Talk: Same as clicking the “Talk” button. Cmd-N Enclose a file: Same as choosing “Enclose File...” from the enclosure pop-up menu. • Other Equivalents Cmd-A Select all of the text in the current text box. Cmd-Option-A Select all of the mail items in the InBox. Cmd-K Lookup: Performs a full network scan for Snap Mail users. • Cut, Copy, and Paste Equivalents Cmd-X Cut the selected piece of text to the clipboard. Cmd-C Copy the selected piece of text to the clipboard. Cmd-V Paste the current contents of the clipboard. • Group Equivalents Cmd-0 Select the “All” group from the Groups pop-up menu. Cmd-1 Select the first group from the Groups pop-up menu. . . . . . . Cmd-9 Select the 9th group from the Groups pop-up menu. • Arrow Keys and Navigating the Main Window The arrow keys can be used alone and in combination with the command key (Cmd) and “Option” key to navigate the Main Window from the keyboard. The left, right, up, and down arrow keys, when used without modification, allow you to move around in the text box. When the “Option” key is held down, the up and down arrows allow you to move between different pieces of mail in the InBox. This is the equivalent of clicking on the up and down arrows that are located to the left of the InBox. When the command key is held down, the left and right arrows allow you to select your icons, and the up and down arrows allow you choose from the User List. • The Option Key Holding down the “Option” key when choosing certain commands modifies how those commands will be executed. The “Option” key modifier can be used both when clicking on a button and when typing its command-key equivalent. Option-Reply: Temporarily reverses the “Select Original Recipients On Reply” preference. Shift-Reply: Temporarily reverses the “Copy Original Mail’s Text To OutBox On Reply” preference. We know this isn’t the “Option” key, but what can we do? Option-Delete: Overrides the “Request Confirmation when Deleting Mail” preference. Option-Clear: Clears the OutBox without asking for any confirmation, even if you have made changes. Option-Send/Alert: Brings up a window that allows you to change the settings for this particular piece of mail or alert. Option- Mail Log: Causes hidden mail items in the pending mail log (outgoing return receipts, server items, and enclosure blocks) to be displayed. Note that though server items will be listed in the log, you won’t be able to read them. • Selecting Recipients with the Keyboard Snap Mail allows you to choose recipients with the keyboard. This is very useful if your User List is very long and you send mail to many different people. When you hit the “Tab” key, the cursor will move to different fields in the currently selected form. Once the last field has been entered, it will jump to a text entry box that will appear above the User List. Often there is only one field (namely the subject line) in the text box, and therefore the “Tab” key will move you back and forth between the text box and the User List entry box. You may also use Cmd-Tab to jump directly to the User List entry box. Once the cursor is in this box, you can begin typing the name you want to select. As you type, any matching name will be selected. If you only want to send to this one person, you can now click on the “Send” button (Cmd-Enter, Cmd-Return) or use the “Tab” key to go back to your text box. Note that if you have set the “Interface” preference to sort the User List by last name, you must type in the last name first, as is shown in the figure. To select more than one recipient, simply hit the “Return” key to select the currently matching name and then start typing the next name to be selected. To deselect a name, type enough letters to match the name and then hit Shift-Return. The name will become deselected. If Snap Mail beeps at you when you type a character, this means that no destination matches the name you have typed. Simply backspace until the beeping stops and try again. • Bringing up Snap Mail with the Hot Key Snap Mail can be brought up at any time by using the keyboard sequence Cmd-Shift-S. If you would like to change the Snap Mail “hot key” sequence, you can do so from your control panel by bringing up “Hot Snap” and setting the keystrokes to your liking. • Sending Enclosures in the Foreground If you hold down the “Shift” key or the “Control” key when you send mail with an enclosure, Snap Mail will keep control of your Macintosh until the entire enclosure is sent. (You will see the snapping-fingers cursor while the send is in progress.) For large enclosures or enclosures sent to many people, this will result in faster sending. However, if the entire enclosure cannot be sent in two minutes, Snap Mail will return control of your Mac to you and the send will continue in the background.